Dropdown List Handling

Redirect to Another Page when Dropdown Field Changes

Code Customization
Redirect to Another Page when Dropdown Field Changes

Iron Speed Designer automatically generates either Quick Selector or dropdown list control for a foreign key field. You can redirect a user to a specific page based on the value selected in the dropdown list. For example, in the dropdown list, there may be several values like value 1, value 2, value 3 and so on. If user selects value 1 in the dropdown list, the web application redirect the user to one page. If the user selects value 2 the web application redirects to some other page.

This customization handles the selected index change event for the dropdown list control to perform redirection. Similar customization could be created for a Quick Selector control.

For a Web Application the customization will be added in:

..\<Application Name>\<Table Name>\Add<Table Name>.Controls.cs

For example: C:\MyApp1\Customers\AddCustomers.Controls.cs

For a Web Site the customization will be added in:

..\<Application Name>\App_Code\<Table Name>\Add<Table Name>.Controls.cs

For example: C:\MyApp1\App_Code\Customers\AddCustomers.Controls.cs


Step 1:  Use this wizard to add code customization.

Step 2:  Build and run the application.

Applies To:

This code customization is applicable only for editable record panel

Customizations included in this wizard are provided as a sample to demonstrate a feature, and may work only in specific situations. The Iron Speed Designer support team cannot assist in the resolution of problems which may occur as a result of customizing your application or modifying a customization to fit a particular purpose.

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